Our laser focus on life sciences provides a synergy of deep technical savvy and unique experience that can’t be found elsewhere.
Patentability Analysis
Patent Landscaping
Freedom to Operate Analysis
Monitoring and Analysis of Third Party Patent Applications
Analysis of and Opinions on Third Party Patent Infringement or Validity
Preparation and Prosecution of U.S. Utility and Design Patent Applications
Coordination of Filing and Prosecution of Foreign Patent Applications
Interference Support
Third Party Submissions
Ex Parte Patent Reexamination
Inter Partes Patent Reexamination Support
Litigation Support
Ex-US (with local counsel)
Third Party Observations (e.g., European Patent Office, Chile, United Kingdom, Japan, Korea)
Oppositions and Appeals (e.g., European Patent Office, Australia, India)
Invalidation Trials and Appeals (e.g., China, Japan)
Litigation Support
Corporate and/or Securities Transactions
Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
Public Offerings
Merger & Acquisition
Drug Approval and Marketing
Orange Book Listings
Patent Term Extensions
ANDA /Hatch-Waxman-Litigation Support
Product Life Cycle Management
IP Due Diligence
Third Party Patent Portfolio Review and Assessment
Freedom to Operate Analyses
Patent Licensing
Clearance Searches
Drug Delivery
Inorganic Chemistry & Materials Science
Industrial Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Analytical & Diagnostic Instruments
Artificial Organs
Continuous Smart Health Monitoring
Environmental Monitoring Devices
Medical Devices
Genomics & Cytogenetics
Nucleic Acid Sequencing
Small Molecule & Biomolecule Detection
Gene Editing
Immunotherapeutics and Other Biotherapeutics
Regenerative Medicine
Small Molecule Drugs
Viral Therapeutics
Alternative Fuels
Carbon Capture/Sequestration
Plant-Based Meat Alternatives
Solar Cells
“Because of our focus, I believe that clients have access to a depth of experience in life sciences patent law that is unmatched by other firms.“
Bret Field, Partner