Karl Bozicevic
Innovators from all around the world—from Nobel laureates to dynamic biotech startups to publicly-traded companies—have turned to Karl for his unique level of in-depth collaboration and creativity.
Karl’s particular expertise lies in developing strategic patent portfolios—IP assets that increase valuations. He works closely with senior management and inventors to capture and exploit the full value and breadth of a company’s innovations. In addition to innovative biotech firms, he also represents major universities and research institutions.
His career includes accomplishments ranging from work with award-winning start-up innovators to publicly traded companies. Karl interacted with clients and others at BF&F to develop patent portfolios covering transgenic animals and prion assay methodology to form a company based on Nobel Prize winning inventions (www.prionpatents.com), as well as a patent portfolio covering the fluid flow and small particle formation methodology for an award-winning Spanish physicist, which lead to his opportunity to meet with the King of Spain (www.drugdeliverypatents.com). He also led the strategic development of a portfolio of patents protecting an FDA-approved protein therapeutic product critically important to treat patients at risk of completely losing their eyesight, worth billions of dollars in annual sales and withstood challenge by a generic.
“I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to build IP assets that make a meaningful difference in supporting critically important advancements in medical care to people all over the world.”
Karl studied under Professor Irving Kayton, an iconic figure in patent law, while earning his LL.M. from George Washington University.
“Irving Kayton was a larger-than-life figure in the world of patent law—exceptionally bright and with imaginative ideas he brought to teaching patent law. He taught me that being a maverick requires different thinking.”
Karl attributes his success—both in his service to clients and in founding a patent law firm that has flourished for over 25 years—to ensuring the talent in the firm in each and every role is acknowledged and rewarded for their contributions.
“Our firm’s success isn’t just my success. It is made possible by each and every person in the firm who plays a role—directly or indirectly—in serving our clients and serving them so well. BF&F is not a big international firm, but has long-term relationships with associates around the world, and staff members who have worked at the firm for decades providing a focused life sciences patent law knowledge base that exceeds that of any firm.”
Karl emphasizes creativity in creating patent portfolios. He practiced patent law in Tokyo, Japan for over two years. His published works include legal papers in English and Japanese (http://www.karlbozicevicpublications.com) as well as a sci-fi novel found at www.cardinalhoax.com.
LLM., Intellectual Property Law, George Washington University
J.D., Nova University
B.S. Chemistry, Tulane University
The District of Columbia
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Silicon Valley
(650) 833-7735