Edward J. Baba
Eddie has over 20 years of experience in crafting extensive, worldwide patent portfolios for cutting edge biotech and medical device inventions. His clients range from highly esteemed and innovative academic research institutions to Fortune 500 companies.
With experience not only in building patent assets, but also in defending those rights in post-grant proceedings in the US and Europe, Eddie understands well the potential pitfalls his clients may face in maintaining robust protection for their IP assets. Eddie is also skilled in assisting his clients navigate complex nests of third-party patent rights, making it possible for his clients to minimize the risk inherent with the launch of multimillion dollar products.
“The more complex the task to be tackled, the more important it is to be part of a collaborative team with your client. The biotech and medical device spaces are highly competitive and fast-paced—it’s important to respond as quickly as possible to address their needs.”
Eddie’s technical background and experience has imbued him with a sense of a client’s needs and challenges from a variety of perspectives – from the bench to academic institution licensing office to the board room. Whether the invention is from an academic lab or a multinational company, Eddie’s approach is the same:
“Each client’s needs can be different—and can change quickly. It’s important I put myself in their shoes and adapt the services to fit the moment.”
As a partner at BF&F for over 15 years, the same firm in which he started as a summer associate while in law school, Eddie has witnessed firsthand the reward that comes from professional growth from within BF&F.
“Having the opportunity to work with junior associates and agents, and help them develop their skills in the same firm in which I’m now partner is a unique opportunity. It not only gives me the chance to grow the firm’s and my practice, but it also reminds me that sometimes one must explain complex principles by starting at the beginning—a reminder that has helped in communicating with clients.”
As Chair of BF&F’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee, Eddie leads the firm’s efforts to promote and nurture a professional environment that encourages all members of the firm to be their true selves, and to feel they can openly share their perspectives, experiences, and insights—irrespective of personal attributes such as race, ethnicity, gender or gender expression, sexual orientation, or religion.
“BF&F recognizes the synergy that comes from a free exchange of ideas and perspectives, and from people of all backgrounds and experiences. However, this synergy can only be realized by openly promoting a welcoming and safe environment for everyone at every position in the firm, and by pursuing opportunities to recruit, retain, and support talent who further expand and support our goals in maintaining an environment of diversity and inclusion.”
Syracuse Journal of International Law & Commerce, Editor-in-Chief
Syracuse Law & Technology Journal, Associate Editor
“From Conflict to Confluence: Protection of Databases Containing Genetic Information” (30 SYR. J. I’NTL LAW & COMM. 121), winner, ASCAP Nathan Burkan Memorial Copyright Writing Competition
J.D., Syracuse University
M.S., Genetics, Stanford University
B.S., Microbiology, University of California, Santa Barbara
B.A., History of Art and Architecture, University of California, Santa Barbara
The District of Columbia
United States Patent and Trademark Office
San Francisco Intellectual Property Law Association (Board of Directors and former president)
San Francisco
(415) 230-8118